Our Dairy Farm

We are an integrated modern agro-complex, exploring effective scientific use of the natural resources available to us.

Developing a sustainable eco-system for our livestock.

"We ensure a healthy life for our cattle while also maximizing milk production."

Our project prioritizes the health and well-being of our animals. Therefore we are rewarded in both production quality and in production quantity.

Contributing to the Economy

Malnutrition and unemployment are very critical problems for our country and economy. To alleviate the poverty by creating employment and to reduce the nation's malnutrition, the Government of Bangladesh gives emphasis for boosting up the agro-based sector.

Our farm creates a good number of direct and indirect employment opportunities.

Whilst we aim at contributing to the economy with our goods; we are also eager to the contribution to the export of milk and dairy products.


We were honoured with many prestigious awards for our innovative approach to farming.

Agri-Lifestyle Womenpreneur Award

ACSB Bella Awards 2024 - Indonesia

Asia Council for Small Business (ACSB) awarded our founder Meherunnessa Begum with the Agri-Lifestyle Womenpreneur Award for our sustainable approach to agriculture.

We were invited to Indonesia to receive the award and were warmly welcomed by their people who found our project to be inspiring.

Dairy Icon 2022

The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock - Bangladesh

The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of Bangladesh awarded our establishment as "Dairy Icon" of the preceding year. This prestige was a part of their event hosted for World Milk Day 2023.

Our establishment was also awarded a cash prize worth 1,00,000 BDT to be further invested in our project. Our farm was highly praised for it's sustainability, and innovativeness.

The land we farm on

A humble acre of farmland, where we rear our livestock centering around our pond of fishes, surrounded by flora that bear exotic fruits; while extending beyond them are hearty crop-fields.

Our Cattle

The life of our dairy farm, our cattle are our most beloved and prized companions. They are the heart of our work, each one nurtured with care and affection, ensuring they lead happy and healthy lives.

We take immense pride in ensuring they are fed the finest fodder, given ample space to roam, and cared for by skilled hands.

| Sustainable Sister Project


That feed us and our livestock.

Aiming for sustainability, we integrated corn implantations in the fields surrounding our farm. We harvest the corn, and the residue is used as fresh feed for our livestock alongside the grass we grow, increasing milk and meat quality. These corn fields are fertilized by the compost that we refactor from the high-quality manure of our cattle as a result of their nutrition enriched diet, effectively developing a sustainable and green cycle, whilst minimizing waste and maximizing the yields.

Additionally a bulk portion of animal and plant waste are converted into BioFuel, making use of the waste by repurposing it for sustainable source of fuel. Currently we sustainably supply fuel to 30 homes.

| Sustainable Sister Project

Our Fishery Ponds

A Symbiotic Piscine Culture

Our Farmland is decorated with 3 fishery ponds which we use to enrich the biodiversity of our local ecosystem. Rearing varying species of fishes by utilizing the differences in preferred depth. The banks of the pond therefore adequately mimic the terrain required for many fruit-bearing plantations.

The fishery ponds enhance the local ecosystem surrounding it, making it suitable for the plantation of many seasonal fruits including Dragon Fruit.

| Sustainable Sister Project

Dragon Fruit

An Exotic Plantation

Dragon Fruit Cultivation is quite new to our country Bangladesh and we are one of the proud pioneers who found both success and profit in this venture.

The scale of our plantation is relatively modest, but more than enough for the local market to enjoy. The dragon fruits grown in our plantation are sweet and refreshing owing to the thriving ecosystem it flowers in.

| Sustainable Sister Project

Avian Ecology

Pigeons, Ducks, and Guineafowl

Experimentally we have started rearing birds alongside our livestock. Even though we never planned on expanding to poultry, our current numbers in terms of pigeons and ducks have turned out to be more impressive than our expectation.

These birds not only decorate our farm, but also add to the local ecosystem that we have built, while also acting as a passive form of pest control for our fields.

R.M. Dairy Farm

and Agro Fisheries

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